
Relaxx offers several API Endpoints, for clients / suppliers or partners. In this overview, you can find most of our JSON/REST APIs and how to access them.

Partner-API v1: General

In the current implementation of this feature, the following objects will be created & actions will be triggered if this call is successful:

The data you send is synchronously imported and saved while the actual processing and therefore creation of data mentioned above is handled asynchronously. For status updates on Postings and Multipostings your relaxx contact can configure a webhook for you.

Partner-API v1: Authentication

The current version of this API supports only Basic-Auth. You will receive a login from your relaxx contact person. It is mandatory that you provide your login data via the Authorization header in each request as described here:

Partner-API v1: Endpoints

Currently the following endpoints are available for use:


Endpoint: GET /api/v1/partner/products

This endpoint gives you access to a custom list of products depending on your usecase. The list is necessary to be able to place orders by using the orderJobPostings endpoint.


Name Type Required?
_contractSpecId long no

Possible Status Response values

Status Value Status Name Description
0 Editing Product is currently in Edit-Mode and might be changed.
1 Active Product is active and can be used without any concern.
2 Disabled Product is disabled and cannot be used.
3 Fulfilled Product contingent has been reached and therefore cannot be used anymore.
4 Expired Product has expired and therefore cannot be used anymore.
5 Fulfilled & Expired see status 3 and 4.
6 No Processing No Processing.
 curl -X GET "{uuid}/api/v1/partner/products" -H "Authorization:YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_PASSWORD"

Sample JSON Response Body

  "aggregations": {},
  "list": [
      "runtimeCascading": 90,
      "publicLogoSrc": null,
      "publicName": " / jobstart standard / 3 Monate, Text+Logo!",
      "description": "",
      "client": {
        "name": " GmbH",
        "id": 11877
      "categories": [

      "priceSingleSale": null,
      "id": "18693",
      "priceCascading": 400.0
  "total": 5


Endpoint: GET /api/v1/partner/contracts

Returns available contracts and their repective variant / position group template data.

 curl -X GET "{uuid}/api/v1/partner/contracts" -H "Authorization:YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_PASSWORD"


Name Type Required?
clientIds long[] no

Sample JSON Response Body

  "aggregations": {},
  "list": [
      "number": "R123-0000001",
      "billingPositionGroupTemplates": [
          "name": "Positionsgruppe 1",
          "id": 1234,
          "totalPriceCustomer": 2.352,00,
          "totalPricePartner": 1.999,20,
          "totalListingPrice": 5041.0,
          "products": [
              "name": "",
              "metaFields": {
                "description": ""
              "id": 1234,
              "partnerApiLogoSrc": ""
      "client": {
        "name": "your company",
        "id": 123
      "validDateStart": 1640991600000,
      "id": "12",
      "type": "priceAgreement",
      "validDateEnd": 1672527599000,
      "expectedPurchaseQuantity": 50,
      "products": [
          "statusText": "ACTIVE",
          "name": "",
          "metaFields": {
            "description": ""
          "id": 12345,
          "priceSingleSale": 123.0,
          "partnerApiLogoSrc": "",
          "status": 1
  "total": 1


Endpoint: GET /api/v1/partner/calculatePrice

Calculates a price based on the provided products. Product ids that need to be provided can be found in the result of the products endpoint. See Products

 curl -X GET "{uuid}/api/v1/partner/calculatePrice?productIds={id1}&productIds={id2}" -H "Authorization:YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_PASSWORD"

Sample JSON Response Body

  "price": 1234.0,
  "priceWithTax": 2345.0


Name Type Required?
productIds long[] yes


Endpoint: POST /api/v1/partner/orderJobPostings

With this endpoint you can place an order with the relaxx system. Usually orders are processed asynchronously. You can however use the param instantProcessing to make it sync, which also influences the data that is returned on successful processing. For post body see OrderData.

 curl -X POST "" -H "Authorization:YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_PASSWORD"

Sample JSON Request Body

  "externalId": "123-1234-56789",
  "jobPostings": [
      "externalId": "f7dbc5b8-2a39-11eb-8813-02428677322c",
      "title": "IT-Administrator (m/w/d)",
      "comment": "Test comment",
      "applyUrl":   "",
      "applyEmail":   "",
      "htmlUrl":  "",
      "templateId": 5672,
      "headerImageUrl":  "",
      "employmentTypes":   ["full_time", "contractor"],
      "releaseDateBegin":  "2022-05-12T06:36:26+0000",
      "releaseDateEnd":  "2022-08-12T06:36:26+0000",
      "productIds": [1234, 1235, 1236],
      "jobClient": {
        "externalId": "123a485",
        "name": "Testcompany",
        "logoUrl": "",
        "contact": {
          "mail": "",
          "name": "Mustermann",
          "nameFirst": "Max",
      "addresses": [
          "street": "Neue Str.",
          "streetNumber": "58A",
          "postCode": "89073",
          "city": "Ulm",
          "country": "Germany",
          "latitude": 8.3969365,
          "longitude": .9907421
      "dynamicContent": {
        "intro":  "Musterfirma GmbH ist ein mittels...." ,
        "offerLabel": "Wir bieten" ,
        "offerContent": "\<ul\>\<li\>Point 1 \</li\> ....",
        "profileLabel": "Dein Profil" ,
        "profileContent": "\<ul\>\<li\>Point 1 \</li\> ....",
        "tasksLabel": "Dein Aufgaben" ,
        "tasksContent": "\<ul\>\<li\>Point 1 \</li\> ....",
        "closing": "Wir freuen uns auf ..."
      "salary": {
        "baseFrom": 42000,
        "baseTo": 142000,
        "currency": "EUR",
        "timeUnit": "YEAR"
      "applyContact": {
        "mail": "",
        "name": "Mustermann",
        "nameFirst": "Max",

Sample JSON Response Body (Async)

  "message": "Successfully received order request for externalId 123-1234-56789"

Sample JSON Response Body (Sync)

  "message": "Successfully received order request for externalId 123-1234-56789",
  "orderNumber": "R123-1234567",
  "orderId": 123,
  "totalPriceWithTax": 2345.78,
  "totalPrice": 1234.56,
  "pdf": ""


Name Type Required?
instantProcessing boolean no

Order Data

Main order object and entry point for order post body. Holds necessary information to process an order and generate respective objects.

Name Type Example Required? Purpose / Note
externalId String "815aa2albc" yes Added as externalId to the internal order object, needs to be unique for each order
billingPurchaseOrderNumber String "815aa2albc" no will set the field "RE-PO-Nr" in the Deal
contractClient BillableClient Go to BillableClient Data no Used for invoicing if present, else partner is invoiced.
billingClient BillableClient Go to BillableClient Data no Used for invoicing if present, falls back to contract client if present, else partner is invoiced.
jobPostings JobPosting[] Go to JobPosting Data yes Used to generate internal objects used to publish posting with job portals.

Contact Data

Contact person object. Used for invoice address in case of contractClient or communication purposes in case of jobClient. Will be created if lookup fails.

Name Type Example Required? Purpose / Note
externalId String "2-133700fd1" no used for lookup, uses mail if not present
mail String "" yes used for lookup, if externalId not present
nameFirst String "Max" only for new users First name for newly created contact
name String "Mustermann" only for new users Last name for newly created contact
phoneNumber String "+49 69 1235456" no Phone number of contact

Client Data

Company object. JobPosting will be published for this.

Name Type Example Required? Purpose / Note
externalId String "2-133700-1" yes finds or creates a Relaxx-Client object for the job posting & for invoicing
name String "TEST Testfirma" only for new clients Name for the newly created Client
logoUrl String "" only for new clients Valid URL path to a png or jpg file
address Address Go to Address Data no
contact Contact Go to Contact Data yes (jobClient only)

Billable Client Data extends Client Data

Advanced company object. Contains additional fields for invoicing.

Name Type Example Required? Purpose / Note
taxId String "l2/345/67890" no used for invoicing
vatId String "DE999999999" no used for invoicing

JobPosting Data

Actual posting data that will be posted with a job portal.

Name Type Example Required? Purpose / Note
externalId String "f7dbc5b8-2a39-11eb-8813-02428677322c" yes unique reference per posting.
comment String "Test Kommentar" no Adds a comment for the processing person.
title String "IT-Administrator (m/w/d)" yes
subtitle String "befristet auf 12 Monate" no
applyUrl String "" yes (conditionally) used for posting applications, alternative applyEmail
applyEmail String "" yes (conditionally) alternative to applyUrl, if both are missing the order is rejected
htmlUrl String "" yes used for posting applications, alternative applyEmail
templateId Long "567" no used to link jobposting to a template in relaxx
headerImageUrl String "" no if supplied, will be displayed for stepstone postings at the top of the html
employmentTypes String[] ["full_time", "contractor"] no for allowed values, see
releaseDateBegin DateTime "2022-05-12T06:36:26+0000" no Needs to be now or in the future. If not supplied, assumed to be NOW
releaseDateEnd DateTime "2022-08-12T06:36:26+0000" no if not supplied, assumed to be releaseDateBegin+productRuntime
productIds Long[] [1234, 1235, 1236] yes (conditionally) at least one productId is required if no groupTemplateId is provided. Can't be used in conjunction with groupTemplateId. These are product ids from relaxx. See Products
groupTemplateId Long 1234 yes (conditionally) required if no productId is provided. Can't be used in conjunction with productIds. Ids are provided via contracts. See Contracts
addresses Address[] Go to Address Data no Used as job location.
dynamicContent JobDynamicContent Go to JobDynamicContent Data no
salary Salary Go to Salary Data no
jobClient Client Go to Client Data yes Company the jobPosting is for.
applyContact Contact Go to Contact Data no Used to get the Application Contact information when using a templateId

Salary Data

Name Type Example Required? Purpose / Note
baseFrom Long 42000 no The lower value of the salary
baseTo Long 142000 no The upper value of the salary
currency String "EUR" no The currency in which the monetary amount is expressed. Use standard formats: ISO 4217 currency format e.g. "USD" or "EUR"
timeUnit String "YEAR" no The timeUnit in which the monetary amount is calculated. Available values are 'HOUR','DAY','WEEK','MONTH','YEAR'

Address Data

Name Type Example Required? Purpose / Note
street String "Neue Str." no The Street Name excluding the number (partial)
streetNumber String "58A" no The Street Number (partial)
postCode String "89073" no The Postal Code, can include letters and numbers
city String "Ulm" no The city name
country String "Germany" no The country name
latitude Float 48.3969365 no if supplied, needs to be valid latitude value
longitude Float 9.9907421 no if supplied, needs to be valid longitude value

JobDynamicContent Data

The JobDynamicContent is used for stepstone and other adaptive-design products. They should only contain valid HTML or raw text data. Note: it is not allowed to enter apply-URL-Links in these HTML fragments, this is disallowed by Stepstone & co.

Name Type Example Required? Purpose / Note
intro String/HTML "Musterfirma GmbH ist ein mittels...." no
offerLabel String/HTML "Wir bieten" no
offerContent String/HTML "<ul><li>Point 1 </li> ...." no
profileLabel String/HTML "Dein Profil" no
profileContent String/HTML "<ul><li>Point 1 </li> ...." no
tasksLabel String/HTML "Dein Aufgaben" no
tasksContent String/HTML "<ul><li>Point 1 </li> ...." no
closing String/HTML "Wir freuen uns auf ..." no
contact String/HTML "<p>Testcompany &<br\/>Co. KG<br />HR Manager<br />Max Mustermann..." no


Endpoint: GET /api/v1/partner/orderStatus

Returns a status of objects connected to an order.

 curl -X GET "{uuid}/api/v1/partner/orderStatus?orderNumber={orderNumber}&externalId={externalId}" -H "Authorization:YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_PASSWORD"

Sample JSON Response Body

  "offers": [
      "status": 6,
      "statusText": "ORDERED",
      "totalPriceWithTax": 123.45,
      "totalPrice": 234.56,
      "products": [
          "id": "12345",
          "name": "stepstone"
          "id": "12346",
          "name": ""
      "pdfLink": ""
  "order": {
    "status": 6,
    "statusText": "ORDERED",
    "totalPriceWithTax": 123.45,
    "totalPrice": 234.56,
    "products": [
        "id": "12345",
        "name": "stepstone"
        "id": "12346",
        "name": ""
    "pdfLink": ""
  "invoices": [
      "status": 3,
      "statusText": "SENT",
      "totalPrice": 123.45,
      "totalPriceWithTax": 234.56,
      "products": [
          "id": "12345",
          "name": "stepstone"
          "id": "12346",
          "name": ""
      "pdfLink": ""
  "multipostings": [
      "id": "1234",
      "orderNumber": "R123-4567890A",
      "status": 1,
      "statusText": "IN_PROGRESS",
      "releaseDateEnd": "20233-01-01T10:00:00",   
      "releaseDateBegin": "20233-01-01T10:00:00"
  "postings": [
      "id": "1234",
      "name": "stepstone",
      "multipostingId": 1234,
      "orderNumber": "R123-4567890A",
      "releaseDateEnd": "20233-01-01T10:00:00",   
      "releaseDateBegin": "20233-01-01T10:00:00",   
      "status": 0,
      "statusText": "Offen"
      "id": "1235",
      "name": "",
      "multipostingId": 1234,
      "orderNumber": "R123-4567890A",
      "releaseDateEnd": "20233-01-01T10:00:00",   
      "releaseDateBegin": "20233-01-01T10:00:00",   
      "status": 0,
      "statusText": "Offen"


Name Type Required?
orderNumber string yes (if externalId is not provided)
externalId string yes (if orderNumber is not provided)


Endpoint: GET /api/v1/partner/statistic

Returns a status of objects connected to an order.

 curl -X GET "{uuid}/api/v1/partner/statistic" -H "Authorization:YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_PASSWORD"

Sample JSON Response Body

      "id": 1047247,
      "name": "Traffic Network",
      "postingId": 2134215,
      "multipostingId": 1338855,
      "state": 1,
      "clicksTotal": 8,
      "clicksPerDay":[{"key": 1713139200000, "value": 0 }, {"key": 1713225600000, "value": 0…],
      "clicksApplicationRoute": 7
    {"id": 1047231, "name": " / Pro / 30 Tage inkl. Refresh, individuelles Branding", "postingId": 2134217, "multipostingId": 1338855,},
    {"id": 1047253, "name": " / Premium / 60 Tage", "postingId": 2134219, "multipostingId": 1338855,}


Name Type Required? Value
externalOrderId string yes -
jobPostingId string yes -
includedAggs string yes "clicksPerProduct"


Endpoint: POST /api/v1/partner/markAsOffline

Creates an internal Task for the raven51 staff to set the Multipostings related to the externalIds provided in the body to the status Offline Early.

Name Type Example Required? Purpose / Note
externalIds String[] or Long[] [23803, 46599, 76389] yes unique reference per postings that will be set to offline early
 curl -X POST "{uuid}/api/v1/partner/markAsOffline" -H "Authorization:YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_PASSWORD"

Sample JSON Response Body

  "externalIds": ["123123-abc-123l2a121", "123123-abc-123l2a122", "123123-abc-123l2a123"]

Partner-API v1: Status Hook

Sample JSON Body

  "orderId": "2020-11-19-1-8166_TEST1",
  "orderNumber": "R232-0028502",
  "items": [
      "jobPostingId": "f7dbc5b8-2a39-11eb-8813-02428677322c",
      "multipostingId": 123,
      "multipostingStatus": "ordered",
      "releaseDateEnd": "20233-01-01T10:00:00",   
      "releaseDateBegin": "20233-01-01T10:00:00",   
      "productId": "22344",
      "postingId": "123",
      "status": "open"
      "jobPostingId": "f7dbc5b8-2a39-11eb-8813-02428677322c",
      "multipostingId": 123,
      "multipostingStatus": "ordered",
      "releaseDateEnd": "20233-01-01T10:00:00",   
      "releaseDateBegin": "20233-01-01T10:00:00",   
      "productId": "421337",
      "postingId": "124",
      "status": "ordered"
      "jobPostingId": "f7dbc5b8-2a39-11eb-8813-02428677322c",
      "multipostingId": 123,
      "multipostingStatus": "ordered",
      "releaseDateEnd": "20233-01-01T10:00:00",   
      "releaseDateBegin": "20233-01-01T10:00:00",   
      "productId": "22346",
      "postingId": "125",
      "status": "approvedOnline"

In order to use this feature, you need to provide a url which will be called on certain events. Currently the status hook is triggered whenever the status of at least one out of two internal objects changes. It sends out an http-request which you will need to confirm with a status code 200. In case you respond with anything else but 200 or there's is some other error, there will be no retry handling and you will miss the current status change.

The following item statuses will be transferred:

Status Description
open Item is currently prepared to be ordered with the respective job board.
ordered Item has been ordered with the respective job board.
unapprovedOnline Item is online by release date.
approvedOnline Item was confirmed to be online via URL.
completed Item publishing time has been expired.
earlyOffline Item has been taken offline before actual release date.
canceled Item has been canceled w/o any costs.
canceledPaid Item has been canceled.

Partner-API v1: FAQs

How can a job-posting be delayed?

if you send a date in releaseDateBegin, this date will be used to delay the jobPosting as needed.

Can we post Stepstone postings without fragments?

No, without proper fragments Stepstone cannot be used for posting, or you will be contacted by a Raven51 employee for clarification.

What address will be used if no address is given?
